a solution for your boredom
About Lazyless
All of us we feel sometimes bored even the ones with the most busy schedule find themselves sitting on the couch and wondering what to do to make good use of their spare time. We are here to find solution to your boredom with original and creative ways by suggesting you activities according to your personal preferences with one click.
"Bored of being bored, because being bored is boring"
Meet the minds who give an end to your boredom..
"Organize, don't agonize". I am the Coordinator. As the most experienced one, I have learnt that every team needs someone to lead them. Organization is the golden rule of success.
Marios Moros
Coordinator & Editor in chie
"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said". I do the PR of our company -because communication is behind everything- and I address your every need to my team.
Eleutheria Bakomitrou
Public Relations Apprentice
"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master". I am the Tech Freak of MajorKey and I implement your every wish in our website and app. The key to success in this field is honest and authentic feedback.
Evangelia Papantonaki
"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way". I am the Creative Director of our company with my imagination, free mindset and aesthetic makes our app and website appealing to you.
Sofia Papamixalh
Creative Director
"Logic is the beginning of the wisdom,not the end". I am the logical one, in order to succeed balance, you have to be patient, logical and calm no matter how hard is the situation.
Kalliopi Fragkou
Website Editor
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